Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fruits Enzymes For Better Health

Homemade Fruit Enzymes

Fruit Enzyme Health Drink, a rich source of enzyme nutrients is extracted directly from fruit.
The production of this health drinks uses fruits cultivated with organic fertilizer. Thus, it's a non-polluted and purely natural health drink.

Enzymes are live bacteria with protein molecules which initiate and control nearly every biochemical process in the body.Enzymes also are vital to metabolism and food digestion. Consuming homemade fruit enzymes help our bodies digest, absorb and utilize nutrients while delivering oxygen throughout the body-thereby providing energy.It also a natural way of therapies for skin-care and boosting good sleep.

 A cup of enzyme a day can help detox your body and keep you healthy and hale.

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are protein molecules which is responsible for all biological activities in human cells. Enzymes are organic catalysts that increase the rate at which foods are broken down and absorbed by the body and help various metabolic functions in the body take place.
The vital foundation of life will be severely impaired without enzymes. Human body will not be able to digest, absorb and utilize nutrient.
So my simple understanding is this. Consuming live fruits or vegetable enzymes will help our blood arteries to do a better job in delivering oxygen to our body.
It contains alkaline with a higher ph to naturally allow breathing in the organs.
Maybe when you imagine closing your nose up, how do you feel? Struggling to breath, right? Well that is how our important organs break down without oxygen.

Major Benefits:
(1) Improve cell metabolism
(2) Prevent aging and enhance one's beauty
(3) Increase amino acids in the body

(1) Improving and strengthening our body condition
- Improves liver function, alcohol drinker can see the effects instantly
- Improves and strengthens the digestive system
- Normalizing blood sugar level
- Accelerating cell metabolism
- Slowing down fat formation in the body organs and tissues
- Diminishing bad cholesterol and effectively regulating high blood pressure
- Strengthening the immune system
- Rejuvenating and reducing tiredness
- Increasing platelet production and helping to prevent bleeding

(2) An excellent beauty care and anti-aging product
- Rich in phosphorus
- It helps in the growth of cell membrane, brightens the eyes makes the skin fairer and smoother, prevent age spots or stop them from forming,
- Anti-oxidization, anti-free radical and anti-aging

(3) fruit enzyme health drink increases amino acids

Types of enzymes :

* Green apple - break down fats & improve aging skin ( RM 28 )
* Pineapple - help break down proteins for digestion & anti - fatigue ( RM 28 )
* Beetroot - reduces the blood pressure & purifies the blood and strengthens the  immune system  ( RM 38 )
* Papaya - help in regulating irritable bowel syndrome & dissolving fats and softening the texture of the skin ( RM 28 )
* Dragon fruit - replenishing blood for relieving depletion & prevent aging and enhance one's beauty  ( RM 38 )

-each bottle contain is 720 ml
-all drink is store in glass bottle

Recommendation of daily consumption
Drink 1 to 3 times (30 ml each) a day before meal.

Order can be made start on today, item can obtain by 3-4 week after order
Product only make after each order receive.
All product purchased, strongly recommend to be store in fridge and finish within one month.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Amoorea Miracle Moor Bar

We are having year end PROMOTION...normal retail RM 360/box (4 bars) NOW RM 240 ( Original Products )


What is Amooréa Moor Beauty Bar?

Amooréa Moor Beauty Bar is a natural therapeutic pH 5.5 soap free soap formulation from Europe that helps to cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin resulting in a smooth and youthful complexion. Enriched with unique combination of Microalgae Extract and Heilmoor Clay, it soothes and revitalizes your skin from stress after every wash. The sentational moor facial bar infused with Hydration microAlgae factor (H-me) formulated and 100% imported from Europe.
Effective within 3 mins continues to heal until the next usage...

New Image SD II Weight Loss

           Fat was never intended to be a burden to the human race. It is a result of our lifestyle being out of balance. The original human beings made use of their fundamental ability to store surplus food in times of plenty as fat, to be utilised in times of food shortages. However, with our easier lifestyle and the excess of calories lurking in most processed foods today, fat is accumulating at a frightening rate. The New Image Slim Diet plan works in harmony with nature.

How Our Bodies Work
The body has a naturally programmed automatic weight gain/loss system. Simply put - if you eat more calories than you burn for energy, you will gain weight. It is important to understand that everyone's body metabolism consumes fuel at different rates. This accounts for some people eating little, yet gaining weight, while others can eat a lot and remain trim and slim.

The principle of the Slim Diet programme is to tap into the body's natural weight loss system through controlling your daily carbohydrate intake. It is really just the weight gain system in reverse - if you eat less carbohydrate than you require for energy, your stored fat is burned to provide your body's energy requirements. It is therefore important to keep an accurate record of all carbohydrates you consume daily. One of the keys to our programme is the identification of your Critical Carbohydrate Level.


The carbohydrate intake is controlled so that when the blood sugar level reduces, the body will switch over to burning fat for energy and produce ketones. This form of ketosis is hypoglycaemic ketosis which is very different from hyperglycaemic ketosis occurring with diabetes.

Ketosis is a natural process of burning fat for energy. All living creatures have this ability. At birth we are born in the pink. A baby loses a little weight during the first few days and most of this is due to the fat-burning process supplying the energy needed until its digestive system is fully functional.

Using ketosis for weight loss has several advantages :

  1. Rapid weight loss - 250g - 500g per day minimum (more in first week) which is comparable to that achieved during complete fasting.
  2. Increased energy - Burning off 500g of fat will produce 3,600 calories of energy.
  3. Increased mental capacity - Ketones when used as a fuel for the brain, can increase concentration and memory capacity.
  4. Fluid balance - Ordinary low-calorie diets do not have the capacity to reduce fluid retention, particularly with very obese people. A Protein-Sparing Modified Fast diet balances body fluids. 
 Slim Diet's Unique Benefits

  1. It is completely natural, safe, rapid and cost effective.
  2. There are no ravenous hunger pains and a satisfying volume of food is consumed daily.
  3. You can measure, by means of a simple test, whether you are burning fat or not.
  4. You lose only fat, not lean body tissue (as in low calorie diets), thereby maintaining good muscle and skin tone.
  5. Detoxification and cleansing of your body's system is automatic.
  6. The plan offers great encouragement, as weight loss is more rapid than any other programme based on calorie or exercise principles.
  7. Identification of your body's metabolic rate (critical carbohydrate level).
  8. A very effective support system.
  9. Establishes the basis and knowledge to maintain weight control forever.
  10. More energy with no dieting blues or side effects.
Important rules for Slim Diet II

  1. Shake your Slim Diet can before opening. (Some nutrients tend to settle during shipping.)
  2. You must mix two scoops of the formula in an 8oz (250m1) glass or more of water four times daily. (A plastic scoop is provided in each can).
  3. Eat only from food list. If it is not on the list you cannot have it! These foods have been carefully chosen to ensure maximum and efficient weight loss.
  4. You must have 2-4 protein foods spread over the day with vegetables (raw or cooked) from the food list.
  5. You must have a minimum of 20 grams of carbohydrates from the food list, but you must not exceed 35 grams.
  6. You must have a total of two dessertspoons of COLD pressed oil and one dessertspoon of cider vinegar daily.
  7. Note: It is very important to have some oil in the diet to ensure your nutrient circle is complete in the form of Essential Fatty Acids and also to facilitate the absorption of the fat soluble vitamins in the formula.
  8. Season your food with Lite Seasoner (for extra potassium and sodium).
  9. Drink two litres of water a day.
  10. Exercise continuously for 30 minutes daily.
  11. Check your Critical Carbohydrate Level with Uriscan daily.
  12. If you have problems with bowel irregularity take 1 - 4 scoops of Fibre Supplement or FibreMax daily - 1 scoop per Slim Diet mix.
  13. We recommend taking New Image RDA balanced vitamin and mineral tablets while on your weight-loss programme as additional support.
  14. Once your goal weight has been reached, change to Slim Diet 3 maintenance programme for 30 - 90 days until your metabolism has adjusted to your new image.
  15. Last but not least - don't cheat yourself! 
Net weight : 420g
Servings : 28
Usage : Two heaped scoops in 200/250ml of water.
When to avoid : Pregnant or nursing mothers.
Flavour sachets contain phenylalanine.


- Alpha Lipid Lifeline Colostrum

ALPHA LIPID Lifeline is a total wellness product. It not only gives you all the immune-boosting, health-preserving qualities of top-grade New Zealand colostrum, it also contains vitamins, minerals and probiotics to ensure a healthy body.

ALPHA LIPID Lifeline is the complete wellness package designed for you to take every day. Just make up a delicious shake, or sprinkle it over your favourite food!
* The lactose molecule has been reduced to its simple sugar so that people who are lactose intolerant can also benefit from this product.
* We have added acidophilus, a 'friendly' bacteria which helps promote a healthy intestine and aids the prevention of yeast infections.
ALPHA LIPID Lifeline is calcium enriched, providing the daily requirement to ensure fit, healthy bones.
* Vitamins and minerals are added to give an extra boost - making sure Lifeline truly justifies its name!

Each serving has 200mg of Colostrum containing a minimum of 240mg IGG, and over three million viable Acidophilus units.

Colostrum concentrate
Milk powder
Vitamin and mineral concentrates
Vegetable gums
Vanilla flavour
Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Each 18g serving contains:

* Energy 200kJ
* Protein 1.6g
* Fat 0.04g
* Lactose 2.1g
* Glucose 8.7g
* Vitamin A 560mcg
* Vitamin B1 1.6mg
* Vitamin B2 1.6mg
* Niacin (B3) 20mg
* Pantothenic Acid 6mg
* Vitamin B6 2mg
* Vitamin B12 2mcg
* Folic acid 200mcg
* Biotin 60mcg
* Vitamin C 60mg
* Vitamin D 7.5mcg
* Vitamin E 10mg
* Calcium 1125mg
* Iron 2mg
* Magnesium 90mg
* Phosphorus 580mg
* Sodium 20mg
* Potassium 65mg
* Vitamins are 100% of average recommended daily dose for adults.
* Immunoglobulin G 240mg

* Suitable for all: from infants to elderly! Even pregnant women !
* Plus those who want to have toner & stronger muscles!
* Recommended as the 1st & breakfast drink so that your precious gut will be protected against any viruses during the day
* Lifeline has the whole package deal- RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for every adult!

450g/can - One month Supply.

Retail Price RM 180.00